About Us

In Dabra, Madhya Pradesh, Shining Scholars Public School, also referred to as SSPS, is a shining example of high-quality education. Under the creative leadership of Mrs. Kamna Sharma, who serves as both the Director and Principal, our school has emerged as a light of excellence in the field of education since it started its journey in January 2016. We are honoured to have Mrs. Ambika Sharma as our vice principal and Mrs. Bhavna Sharma Shivhare as our school mentor supporting her in this amazing endeavour.

We at SSPS are committed to offering the best possible holistic education, and we make this apparent. Our methodology is based on the idea that learning should extend beyond textbooks and tests. We gladly accept the "Learning by Doing" approach, which is provided by a group of committed and skilled teachers. We break free from the confines of memorization here at SSPS, ensuring that each child's curiosity and need for knowledge endure and flourish.

Our curriculum is made up of a variety of varied activities that come together to form a well-rounded programme that addresses every part of education. We place a strong emphasis on the three facets of learning: athletics, extracurricular activities, and academia. At SSPS, we recognise that developing young minds necessitates an all-encompassing strategy in which students not only achieve academic success but also grow in terms of creativity, physical fitness, and character.

You may be confident that SSPS students will be the ones to carry on the torch of a better future as we set off on this educational adventure together. They will develop into admirable people with knowledge and core values that will bring honour to their parents, our country, and the entire globe.

Come learn with us at Shining Scholars Public School, where we strive for greatness and education is a life-changing experience. We are forming the future's leaders together!


Our mission at Shining Scholars Public School is very clear: to enable and prepare each and every one of our students to become independent, productive, self-sufficient people with independence, clarity, and accuracy. Our goal is to instill in them a resilient mindset, inspiring them to rise to challenges head-on and derive great satisfaction and self-worth from their accomplishments.


A deep respect for principles and beliefs serves as the foundation for our mission. Our goal is to mould our pupils into a well-balanced amalgam of opposing elements, skillfully uniting the conventional and the cutting edge. While providing our students with the knowledge and outlook necessary to prosper in a world that is constantly changing, we also recognize the need of conserving the timeless wisdom of our past.

We at Shining Scholars Public School are dedicated to helping our kids acquire these ideals and principles so they grow into well-rounded people who are equipped to take on the challenges of the future with courage, insight, and a strong sense of purpose.

Our Motto :

"Dream! Believe! Achieve! Succeed!"

The core values of Shining Scholars Public School are reflected in this inspiring motto. It acts as a wake-up call, motivating and directing our students as they pursue their academic goals. At SSPS, we think that every child has the capacity for great dreams, and it is our goal to support them in realising those ambitions.

Shining Scholars Public School

Shining Scholars Public School, affectionately known as SSPS, is a beacon of quality education in Dabra, Madhya Pradesh. Our journey began in January 2016,

Get In Touch

  • DABRA-475110
  • +91-7524-356866
  • shiningscholarspublicschool@gmail.com

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