Academics at Shining Scholars Public School

Our academic philosophy at Shining Scholars Public School aims to develop a love of learning, stimulate critical thinking, and give pupils a solid foundation for success in the future. We think education should be fun, comprehensive, and stress-free, with the goal of developing not only the intellect but also moral principles, manners, aesthetic sense, and a balanced development of the body and mind.

Child-Centered Learning: We provide very successful, child-centered instruction in our classrooms. We support a customised approach to education, where teachers who are actively involved in their students' academic journeys mentor them.

Holistic Curriculum: Our curriculum is developmentally appropriate, themed, integrated, and well developed. It welcomes all kinds of learners and provides lots of room for creativity. Encouraging every student to achieve academic success while pursuing their individual interests and abilities is our mission.

Minimal Class Sizes: We keep our classes small so that teachers may work closely with each student individually as well as in small groups. This enables tailored guidance and support, enabling every student to realise their greatest potential.

Fair Learning Environment: We at Shining Scholars Public School are dedicated to giving every student a fair learning environment. Regardless of their background or skills, we think all children should have an equal chance to engage in and contribute to the school community.

Academic Programmes: From Primary Education (Grades I through V) to Secondary Education (Grades VI through IX), we provide a wide selection of academic programmes. Our curriculum is meant to help students develop critical thinking abilities, provide a solid academic foundation, and get ready for possibilities and challenges in college and beyond.

Our goal is to give kids access to a supportive and stimulating learning environment so they can develop to the fullest extent possible. Shining Scholars Public School is dedicated to providing holistic development and high-quality education so that our kids are future-ready.

Shining Scholars Public School

Shining Scholars Public School, affectionately known as SSPS, is a beacon of quality education in Dabra, Madhya Pradesh. Our journey began in January 2016,

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  • DABRA-475110
  • +91-7524-356866

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