Management Team

From the Director cum Principal’s Desk:

Kamna Sharma

I greet each and every one of you with great warmth as we unite under the protective care of Shining Scholars Public School. Serving as this prestigious institution's principal is a unique honour for me, and I would like to use this chance to express some of my heartfelt ideas and observations.

Little ones are like sensitive sponges who avidly take in all that is around them. Their contentment is mostly rooted in a safe and happy environment. At Shining Scholars Public School, we see it as our holy mission to establish this kind of environment—one in which your kids can grow, develop, and thrive.

There are difficulties in our educational path. In addition to making sure every child succeeds academically, it is our responsibility to ensure their social and emotional well-being. It is critical that we be vigilant and aware of even the smallest indications of discontent in our pupils. They are the future, not simply students, and as such, they should receive the most care, affection, and education possible.

The close-knit bond between our children and their committed teachers is one of our school's greatest assets. Our teachers are more than simply instructors; they are authentic mentors who go above and beyond to support and encourage every child in their pursuit of a more perfect and noble life. They are the lights that lead the way to wisdom and knowledge.

Dear parents and guardians, we will always be here for you. Our goal is to protect your child's future in every manner that we can. In addition to teaching knowledge, our goals also include fostering a sense of purpose, character development, and values instillation.

Your child's growth and well-being are our top objectives as we travel through the learning halls together. Our goal is to provide your child with a supportive, motivating, and empowering atmosphere so they can flourish intellectually, emotionally, and socially.

We are grateful that you have given us the honour of assisting your kids with their academic journey. In order to ensure that the bright minds of tomorrow shine brightly and secure their futures, let's continue to nurture them together.

With warm regards,
Kamna Sharma
Shining Scholars Public School

From the Vice Principal’s Desk:

Ambika Sharma

Dear Guardians, Pupils, and Interested Parties,
I extend my warmest greetings to the whole community of Shining Scholars Public School, where a shared dedication to educational achievement exists. Being this prestigious institution's vice principal is an honour.

At Shining Scholars Public School, excellence is our main priority. To guarantee the advancement of a high-quality education that will equip our students for a dynamic and ever- evolving world, we uphold strict academic standards. Our method is novel yet conventional at the same time, a groundbreaking move in the direction of efficient education.

We think that our students should be prepared for the chances and challenges of the world ahead of them by teaching them not only how to read and write but also the fundamental life skills and knowledge. We employ the "Playway Methodology" and prioritise "Learning by Doing" in order to accomplish this because we genuinely believe that active, engaged learning promotes critical thinking, creativity, and a sincere love of information.

Beyond the classroom, we foster an atmosphere that upholds the dignity of every person and encourages their full growth. Our goals and objectives go beyond the classroom; we hope to instill moral principles in the next generation of Indian citizens, firmly ingrained in our rich cultural heritage.

In particular, when it comes to our pupils, challenges are an essential part of our journey. We care about their social and emotional development in addition to their academic success. We watch out for indications of discontent, keeping our eyes and ears peeled to make sure every child is loved, cared for, and educated.

I would want to use this opportunity to recognise one of our school's greatest assets: the loving and supportive relationships that exist between our pupils and our devoted instructors. More than just instructors, our professors are real mentors who help and encourage every child to aspire to a better, more ideal life.

Primarily, I would like to reassure you of our steadfast dedication to safeguarding your child's future. We at Shining Scholars Public School are partners in your child's pursuit of success and excellence, not just teachers.

We appreciate you giving us this important duty. Together, we will give your kid the tools they need to flourish, develop, and learn in a safe and supportive atmosphere.

Ambika Sharma
Shining Scholars Public School

Message from The School Mentor:

Bhavna Sharma Shivhare

Dear Parents, Students, and Esteemed Members of the SSPS Family, I send my warmest regards to each and every one of you. Being a member of the amazing educational community of Shining Scholars Public School as the School Mentor is a privilege and an honour.

Every person has been given a distinct mission in life, one that they alone can accomplish. We at Shining Scholars Public School are steadfastly dedicated to enabling our kids to identify and embrace their unique life missions.

We are aware that this empowerment calls for the ideal setting, appropriate instruction, and lots of chances. Our goal is to give each of our kids the supportive and loving environment they require in order to identify their gifts and special capacities. We believe that each child is a star waiting to shine brightly in their own way.

One essential value that we all cherish is respect. We truly think that by treating kids with dignity, we are teaching them the priceless lesson of respect for others. We create an environment where every kid can develop, learn, and thrive in these instances of compassion and respect. Warm and encouraging words hold greater significance than ever in the hectic and frequently stressful environment of today. Acknowledging children for their endeavours, accomplishments, and advancements is not indulgence; rather, it is crucial for their self-worth and holistic maturation. Their confidence is boosted and their will to keep going forward is fueled by these kind and encouraging words.

"How you compare to who you were yesterday is more important than how you compare yourself to others," is the thought I would like to leave you with. You've accomplished something amazing if you've gone even a single step forward." This viewpoint inspires our students to concentrate on their own development, always aim to improve, and appreciate every accomplishment, no matter how tiny.

I would want to thank you for giving us the honour of raising and educating your children as we begin this educational adventure together. By working together, we can establish a setting where every kid can flourish and have a positive impact on both their own life and the world at large.

With warm regards,
Bhawna Sharma Shivhare
Shining Scholars Public School

Shining Scholars Public School

Shining Scholars Public School, affectionately known as SSPS, is a beacon of quality education in Dabra, Madhya Pradesh. Our journey began in January 2016,

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  • +91-7524-356866

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